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Physiotherapy for Cancer Patients & Survivors in Europe - State of Care & Recommendations

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Date: September 11th, 2024

Opening Remarks: Michele Cannone – Chair of the Cancer Working Group, Europe Region of World Physiotherapy
Cancer Physiotherapy Activity in the Europe Region – A Survey of Member Organizations – Dr. Gáinne Sheill –  Member of the Cancer Working Group, Europe Region of World Physiotherapy
The Role of Physiotherapy in Cancer Care in the Europe Region – Position Paper and Updates – Dr Nele Adriaenssens – Member of the Cancer Working Group, Europe Region of World Physiotherapy
Discussions and Q&A – Prof. Jacqueline Drouin – President of IPT-HOPE

Link to Recording:

Session Information: During the 2022-2024 term, the Cancer Working Group of the Europe Region of World Physiotherapy conducted, among its Member Organisations, a survey on physiotherapy services in Europe for cancer patients, and published a position statement on the role of physiotherapy in cancer care. With the start of this new two years term of the working group, the Europe Region held a webinar to present the results of the survey and share evidence based recommendations.

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